In 2022, the Portland Winter Light Festival (PDXWLF) is presented as a series of pop-up installations throughout Portland and beyond. We invite you to explore, wander, and to see the city with new eyes. Welcome to our seventh year!

– PDXWLF Staff

This season was the Portland Winter Lights Fest’s seventh year as a free public event – it’s grown steadily since inception even through the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2022 fest features 6 distinct map areas including 4 subsections for Downtown and 2 more for the Central Eastside. Managing the content for, at minimum, 200 art displays with installation info coming in from as many different points made it a challenging project to manage. Surprisingly, the previously developed Wix website stood up to the challenge! Hopefully, for the 2023 season, we’ll redevelop the site with WordPress to make the listings more manageable – let’s see…

Side note: the PDXWLF team found me through a referral from my friends at DrawBridge Creative. Thanks, A&A!

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